Useful Links
States of Alderney
Website of the government of Alderney, containing general information and including minutes of States and Committee proceedings
Guernsey Financial Investigation Unit
Website containing information on financial investigation in the Bailiwick, including how to obtain evidence from the FIU
Guernsey Registry
Website containing information and guidance notes on matters including Guernsey registered companies etc.
Royal Court
Website containing information including the role of and procedures in the Royal Court
Isle of Man Law Society
Website of the governing body of lawyers practising in the Isle of Man
Guernsey Intellectual Property Office
Website containing information including on registering trademarks and designs
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
Free website containing British and Irish case law
Bar Council
Website of the governing body of barristers practising in England and Wales
Bar Standards Board
Website of the disciplinary body of barristers practising in England and Wales
Guernsey Citizens Advice Bureau
Website containing general information including the services offered by the CAB
Website of the Channel Island Brussels Office, which represents the Channel Islands to EU institutions, including news and information on EU subjects
Channel Island Competition and Regulatory Authorities
Website of the regulatory body for the Guernsey telecoms, postal and electricity sectors, which also enforces the competition legislation
Channel Islands Stock Exchange
Website containing information, news and announcements regarding the local stock exchange
Guernsey Data Protection Commissioner
Website containing information on data processing and notification requirements in the Bailiwick
European Court of Human Rights
Alderney Gambling Control Commission
Website containing information on the regulation of eGambling companies in Alderney
Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Website of the Bailiwick's financial services regulator
The Guernsey International Legal Association (“GILA”) is a non-profit organisation, founded in 1989, with the objective of providing a fun and informative forum for Guernsey based lawyers (qualified in all jurisdictions) to meet.
States of Guernsey
Website of the government of Guernsey, including copies of Billets d'État and Hansard
Guernsey Border Agency
Website including information on customs and excise, and immigration and nationality services
Guernsey Income Tax Authority
Website containing general information on personal and corporate taxation
Isle of Man public services
Website of the government of the Isle of Man
States of Jersey
Website of the government of Jersey, containing general information on public services
Chief Pleas of Sark
Website of the government of Sark, including agendas and minutes of Chief Pleas proceedings
Guernsey Police
Website containing information on the Island Police Force
Guernsey Finance
Website containing general information on the financial services industry in the Bailiwick
Guernsey Legal Resources
Website containing full text of Laws, Ordinances, statutory instruments, Orders of the Royal Court and past issues of the Guernsey Law Journal
Institute of Law Guernsey - information about Certificat from Caen University
Institute of Law Guernsey - Online Library of Customary Law Texts
HM Revenue & Customs
UK Border Agency
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Website of Jersey's financial services regulator
Jersey Legal Information
Website containing full text of Jersey legislation and case law
Jersey and Guernsey Law Review
Website containing past issues of the Law Review
Jersey Law Society
Website of the governing body of lawyers practising as Advocates and Solicitors of the Royal Court of Jersey
Ministry of Justice
Website of the UK government department with responsibility for the Crown Dependencies
Institute of Law
Website containing information on academic study and professional education in Jersey and Guernsey law
Law Society of England and Wales
Website of the governing body of solicitors practising in England and Wales
Website containing full text of Acts, statutory instruments and Orders in Council
Office of Fair Trading
UK Parliament
Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA):
Solicitors Regulatory Authority
Website of the disciplinary body of solicitors practising in England and Wales
States of Jersey Assembly
Website including minutes, order papers and Hansard
Website of the Isle of Man parliament, including minutes, order papers and Hansard